The Support hot Line Project in partnership with the Women’s Union.

The project was initiated in 2022 and is set to continue until 2025 . One of the primary objectives of the project is to provide psychological, social, and legal support to battered women. Through this, the project hopes to empower women to take control of their lives, recover from their traumatic experiences, and make informed decisions about their future. The psychological support offered in the project will help women deal with the trauma they have faced and develop coping mechanisms to deal with the aftermath of the violence. The social education provided by the project will aim to raise awareness about domestic violence, its impact on individuals and society, and the legal framework in place to protect women. This will not only help the women who have suffered from domestic violence but also help society to recognize the prevalence of the issue and take steps to prevent it from happening in the future. The legal education provided by the project will inform women of their rights and how they can seek legal redress for the violence they have suffered. The project will work with lawyers and legal organizations to ensure that women have access to the information and resources they need to seek legal remedies.

Overall, the Support hot Line Project in partnership with the Women’s Union is a critical initiative that aims to help women who have suffered from domestic violence. The project’s focus on psychological, social, and legal support reflects the comprehensive nature of the issue and the need for a holistic approach to addressing it. With continued funding and support, this project can help to make a meaningful difference in the lives of women who have experienced domestic violence, helping them to heal, recover, and rebuild their lives

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