
Goals and Objectives

Providing awareness

Providing awareness, training, rehabilitation, and capacity-building services to individuals and institutions with the aim of serving the local community.

Training and awareness

Training and awareness-raising in the field of youth, women, children, family, and civil society organizations.

Training all members

Training all members of society to develop their capabilities in the field of sustainable development.

Educating the youth

Educating the youth category on several skills in cooperation with development institutions in order to prepare them for the labor market.

Launching a number

Launching a number of community programs and projects to empower young people with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Raising awareness

Raising awareness in the fields of human rights, local governance, and local administration.

Our Mission
To empower youth and women by developing their professional skills and abilities.


Cases completed




Awards winning


Satisfied customers

our partners

Isnad International Center for Empowerment and Development is a private non-government institution that has been operating in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan since 2016 .


  • Anti-Underage Marriage Course

    Child marriage is often a result of the inherent inequality between the sexes, which makes girls disproportionately affected by this practice. The project against the marriage of minors comes to hold awareness sessions by women’s rights experts to clarify the rights of girls and the implications for the health and future of girls and the

    January 4, 2022
  • Recycling plastic to preserve the environment

    This workshop is concerned with identifying the basics of recycling precious plastic so that it is recycled to become a useful product on the one hand and on the other hand, we maintain environmental integrity. The types of plastic that are recycled and how to be recycled using the techniques used in this field were

    January 4, 2022
  • Internet Governance

    With the technological development that the world is witnessing today, there is an interest in Internet governance that supports Internet freedom through the five basic principles: non-censorship of the Internet, support for easy and fast access to the Internet, an open source Internet that provides freedom of communication and information exchange, and Expressing opinions, innovation

    January 4, 2022
  • Sanitizer manufacturing workshop

    This workshop included some instructions on how to make Hygiene, which has increased in demand with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the trainees came out of this workshop knowing enough not to mix some chemicals that may harm the health of people who use these ingredients.

    January 4, 2022
  • Novel writing workshop

    This workshop focused on shedding light on the main themes of writing the novel from an introduction that attracts the reader’s attention and then entering into the body of the novel, which usually includes several characters around whom the novel revolves, through which the writer aspires to deliver a realistic perception to the reader, and

    January 4, 2022
  • Education Support and Development Program ( 2016 – 2021 )

    Under the education category, we have performed some awareness sessions to use teaching platforms for school students. In light of the exceptional circumstances that our dearest country is going through, and since education has moved from schools to electronic platforms, awareness and education sessions were held for school students from various regions of the governorate

    January 4, 2022
  • Handicrafts Project ( 2018 – 2021 )

    This program has been adopted on a regular and permanent basis as it is one of the most pioneering and promising projects to earn a regular and sustainable income. These crafts include embroidery, sewing, knitting, crochet, sculpture, woodwork, drawing, soap making and accessories.

    January 4, 2022
  • Health Education Program ( 2021 )

    Under our role in health education, several free sessions and courses have been held in first-aid, personal hygiene, protection against diseases and pandemics and raising awareness about breast cancer. These programs were performed by experienced health care specialists and nurses.

    January 4, 2022
  • Raising Awareness of Women and Vulnerable People’s Rights Program ( 2019 – 2021 )

    This program is a series of free sessions that has been held at ISNAD for three years. These sessions are supervised and trained by Dr. Reem Abu Dalbouh, the chief of the committee of the most vulnerable groups in the Board of Trustees of the National Center for Human Rights. It aims at raising awareness

    January 4, 2022
  • Friends of the Police program ( 2020 )

    This program aims to educate students about the importance of the public security officer role in spreading security and safety and embody their vision with the responsibility of the community partnership in the security process, preserving security and stability and increasing awareness of the importance of security and community peace and achieving solidarity with the

    January 4, 2022
  • ICDL and Programming courses ( 2017-2021)

    These courses are held free of charge for the young men and women of the community and aim to educate trainees in the field of mastering computer skills as well as enable individuals to demonstrate competence in the field of information technology, and to significantly improve opportunities to obtain a distinguished job or advance in

    January 4, 2022
  • Typing and Data Entry course ( 2016 – 2021)

    This course was held free of charge for young people who wanted to improve their opportunities to get a job. It is evident that data entry and typing quickly and accurately are essential skills that are required by employers. That’s why we permanently offer these courses.

    January 4, 2022
Contact Us

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