The Art of Going Green Project

The Art of Going Green is an upcoming project that is funded by AFD- Agence Française de Développement and implemented by Lab’ess in partnership with Pulse Group and the support structure of Ecodev, Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship and JYIF ( السفارة الفرنسية في الأردن Ambassade de France en Jordanie which aims to promote sustainable waste management practices and empower youth and women to become agents of change in their own communities. The project will focus on educating communities about new green ways and developing environment-saving ideas as well as income-generating ideas. The overall objective of the project is to promote sustainable and healthy living conditions for the local community while preserving the environment. The project will be launched in June, and more details will be announced at that time. The project will specifically target the city of Amman, in the Al Mwaqar municipality, with the goal of making it inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

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