Education Support and Development Program ( 2016 – 2021 )

Under the education category, we have performed some awareness sessions to use teaching platforms for school students. In light of the exceptional circumstances that our dearest country is going through, and since education has moved from schools to electronic platforms, awareness and education sessions were held for school students from various regions of the governorate to educate and teach them on the correct way to enter the electronic platforms and how to register attendance and absence, attend the recorded classes, and search for assignments and how to do exams and submit their answers and assignments
Another remarkable program that we adopted was Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Program. Nowadays, artificial intelligence and robots are involved in all aspects of our lives, whether for entertainment purposes or for education. Thus, we have held courses for school students to describe the components of the robot, understand the mechanism of action of different sensors and its operation and application. We also held some courses about artificial intelligence and Internet of things. For this purpose, we made an agreement with Robotna Institution to offer these courses in Mafraq. Robotna is a leading institution in the science of Robotics, where they won prestigious awards on Robots both locally and internationally.

One of the main programs that ISNAD has adopted in education is English for Specific Purposes program. First, our professional English trainer Munther Alhusban has been chosen as the only trainer to teach English for Tourism Purposes for 150 trainees and apprentices from all over Jordan. This program has been held under the Ministry of Labor as a program ending in employment from 2019 to 2020. We also trained Syrian refugee students who study at Jordanian University for three consecutive years ( 2018 -2020 ). In addition, we taught English for work and business for the employees of some NGO’s and non-profit organizations such as ACTED , 2016, Khawater Center, 2017 and Altiriaq Charity Association 2019.

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