Goals and Objectives

Isnad aims to achieve numerous goals and objectives through which we seek to accomplish sustainable development in all its economic ,

social, local, and environmental aspects by supporting and developing human capabilities and building professional knowledge and cognitive skills for the targeted groups.

goals and objectives

Our most prominent goals include :

  • Providing awareness, training, rehabilitation, and capacity-building services to individuals and institutions with the aim of serving the local community.
  • Training and awareness-raising in the field of youth, women, children, family, and civil society organizations.
  • Training all members of society to develop their capabilities in the field of sustainable development.
  • Educating the youth category on several skills in cooperation with development institutions in order to prepare them for the labor market.
  • Launching a number of community programs and projects to empower young people with the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Cooperation with local and foreign scientific institutions and companies.
  • Training individuals and institutions in marginalized areas and poor societies and building their capabilities to improve economic and social conditions.
  • Promoting economic reform by launching a number of societal initiatives.
  • Raising awareness in the fields of human rights, local governance, and local administration.
  • Enhancement of technological training and digital transformation.
  • Refining skills and hobbies, especially in the field of handicrafts.